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Fall 2009
"Surfing on Complex Biological Networks: The Next Generation of Bioinformatics Research"
Young-Rae Cho, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Baylor University
Wed, Sept 2, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[ Abstract & Bio] |
"Energy Efficient Power Electronics Technologies and their Applications"
Byeong-Mun (Ben) Song, Ph.D.
ECE Professor, Baylor University
Wednesday, Sept 9, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[ Abstract ]
"Physics Based Modeling of Processing and Final Product Performance for Engineering Composites with Discrete Inclusions"
David A. Jack , Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Baylor University
Wednesday, Sept 16, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[ Abstract ]
Voted by the Baylor engineering graduate students as"Best Presentation" by an ECS faculty member.

John M. Davis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Baylor University
September 22, 2009. Sid Richardson 207 from 4:00-4:50 p.m. |
"Teaching and Ministry in India"
Kwang Lee , Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of ECE, Baylor University
Paul Grabow, Ph.D.
Professor of CS, Baylor University
Wednesday, Sept 23, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[More Information] |
"Discrete Fourier Transforms on Time Scales"
Robert J. Marks II
Distinguished Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Baylor University
Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
"You’re not in Kansas Anymore: Baylor Engineering in China 2009"
Richard W. Campbell
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Baylor University
Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[ Web Site | Abstract | Videos ] |
"Christian Faith & Science: Friends or Foes?"
Walter Bradley, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Baylor University
Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 5:30, Room 109, Rogers Bldg.
[ Flyer | The Mystery of Life's Origin ] |
"What Engineers Should Know About Chemistry Instrumentation"
Charles M. Garner, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry, Baylor University
Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[Dr. Garner's Web Page | Bio and Abstract ] |
"Texas electricity: competition driving innovation"
T.J. Ermoian, Jr.
President, Texas Energy Aggregation, LLC.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4 PM, Room 104 Rogers Bldg.
[ Bio and Abstract ] |
"Structural and Thermal Study of Al2O3Produced by Oxidation of Al-Powders Mixed With Corn Starch"
Juliana Anggono, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Friday, October 30, 2009, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[Abstract & Bio] |
"The Future of the Automotive Industry"
Jeff Barber,
Mechanical Engineer and MBA
Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[Bio & Abstract]
"The Stability of a Can of Dr. Pepper"
Greg Benesh, Ph.D. Professor and Chair, Department of Physics, Baylor University
Wednesday, Nov 11, 2009, 4:00, Room E.125, Baylor Sciences Bldg
This talk is the 2009 Fall Physics Colloquium Series for Baylor’s Department of Physics. B.E.A.R.S. has permission to participate.
[ flyer | Dr. Banesh's Web Site]
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"An Introduction to Kalman Filtering for Target Tracking"
Benjamin B. Thompson, Ph.D.
Applied Research Lab, Penn State University
Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 12:20, Room 312, Rogers Bldg.
[Bio and Abstract | IEEE Flyer for Evening Talk] |
Voted by the Baylor engineering graduate students as"Best Presentation" by a speaker external to ECS.
"God Ever Geometrizes: Apologetics in Mathematics"
Robert J. Marks II, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Baylor University
Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 5:30, Room 109, Rogers Bldg.
[ Flyer | Presentation | Bio ]
B.E.A.R.S. |