In the Reaction Kinetics Lab, the Mulvihill Group explores the fundamentals of chemically reacting systems.
Our fundamental research on chemical kinetics has applications in numerous areas.
We are a growing group of researchers at Baylor University. We are always on the lookout for new members!
Our synergistic combination of experiment, theory, and modeling allows us to unravel complex problems that might otherwise be untenable.
Shown here is a subset of our papers. For a full list, see Dr. Mulvihill's CV or his Google Scholar profile.
Naiya joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Naiya!
Dr. Mulvihill was awarded the Doctoral New Investigator award from the American Chemical Society's Petroleum Research Fund. This two-year grant is focused on the chemical kinetics of non-equilibrium plasmas.
The research group enjoyed their first dinner together.
Bella joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Bella!
We are acquiring a variety of experimental and computational resources. To be continued...