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"Unsupervised Hierarchical Biclustering"
Donald C. Wunsch II, Ph.D.
M.K. Finley Missouri Distinguished Professor, IEEE Fellow, INNS Senior Fellow,
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Monday, March 26, 2012, 12:30 PM, Room TBA
Donald Wunsch is the M.K. Finley Missouri Distinguished Professor at Missouri University of Science & Technology (Missouri S&T). Earlier employers were Texas Tech University, Boeing, Rockwell International, and International Laser Systems. His education includes Executive MBA - Washington University in St. Louis, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering - University of Washington (Seattle), M.S., Applied Mathematics (same institution), B.S., Applied Mathematics - University of New Mexico. Key research contributions are Clustering; Adaptive resonance and Reinforcement Learning architectures, hardware and applications; Neurofuzzy regression; Traveling Salesman Problem heuristics; Robotic Swarms; and Bioinformatics. He has produced 16 Ph.D. recipients in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science; has attracted over $8 million in sponsored research; and has over 300 publications including nine books. His research has been cited well over 2600 times on SCOPUS. He is an IEEE Fellow and previous INNS President, INNS Fellow and Senior Fellow 07 – present, and served as IJCNN General Chair, and on several Boards, including the St. Patrick’s School Board, IEEE Neural Networks Council, International Neural Networks Society, and the University of Missouri Bioinformatics Consortium. He chairs the Missouri S&T Information Technology and Computing Committee, a Faculty Senate Standing Committee.