Qualified engineering design
teams are invited to submit a technical proposal for the design of a automated
golf ball quality control scale to the Department of Engineering at Baylor
University, hereafter referred to as the owner. Upon owner approval of the proposed design, the successful
engineering team, hereafter referred to as the design team, shall build,
test, and evaluate a prototype scale.
The design team shall make written and oral reports on the design of the
scale, as required by the owner.
design, construction, testing, and reporting of the automated golf ball quality
control scale, hereafter referred to as the scale, is a requirement
for completion of Engineering 3380 - Engineering
Design I at Baylor University
for the spring semester 2000.
1. Scope
The design team shall
design, construct, test, and evaluate a scale capable of measuring and displaying
the mass of a golf ball in grams and, with operator assistance, rejecting or
accepting the ball based on its mass.
2. Design Requirements
2.1 Design Criteria
design team shall design the scale to meet or exceed all of the criteria listed
The owners
shall provide (5) golf balls, at least one of which shall be modified to alter
its mass by an amount no less than ± 5 % from nominal.
These balls shall be loaded into the device.
Upon activation of the
device, the golf balls shall be fed, one at a time, to a scale located a
horizontal distance of at least 12 inches from the initial positions of the
The scale shall use
strain gage technology to display, on a digital voltmeter, the mass, in grams,
of a golf ball.
If the displayed
mass of the golf ball is within ± 5 % of the nominal
value, the device shall automatically move the ball to a packaging container to
be specified by the owners.
If the displayed
mass of the golf ball is outside ± 5 % of the nominal
value, the operator shall actuate a switch which shall divert the ball to a
discard container to be specified by the owners.
When one ball has
been transported to the final container, the next ball shall be automatically
fed to the scale, and the process shall repeat until all five balls have been
tested and stored.
2.2 Design Documentation
The design team shall fully
document the project by use of computer-aided engineering calculations and
drawings. All calculations shall be documented with MATHCAD. All drawings shall
be documented in TURBOCAD. All written submittals shall be word processed and
laser printed. A formal engineering
report is required. Periodic formal
oral reports are also required with professional-quality visual aids.
3. Safety Requirements
The design team shall
conduct all construction and testing with safety as the primary consideration.
4. Manufacturing Requirements
4.1 Materials Procurement
The design team shall
provide at the design team's expense any tools, materials, supplies, and test
instruments required of the project not otherwise provided by the owner as
described in section VI of this document.
4.2 Manufacturing Processes
The design team shall
fabricate and assemble the scale utilizing the tools in the Materials
Laboratory. A small number of parts may
be submitted to Mr. Threlkeld in the machine shop. For electric circuit
construction, design teams may utilize, upon consultation with the owners, the
facilities of the Circuits Laboratory, and may seek the help of Mr. Hromadka in
the electrical shop. All laboratory
safety procedures must be followed at all times.
4.3 Identification
a. Nameplates
design team shall provide nameplate identification for the prototype scale, per
the owner's instructions.
b. Warning
design team shall provide warning tags for all components of the scale that may
pose a safety hazard to operators or observers of the scale.
4.4 Clean Up
Cleanliness in the workplace
is expected at all times and in all work areas. Failure to observe departmental workplace rules will lead to
penalties in performance evaluation.
The design team shall disassemble and store the device and clean up the
work area immediately after the construction phase and also after the testing
phase of the project has been concluded.
5. Testing Requirements
owners will appoint test the devices during compliance test and final
acceptance test.
6. Other Requirements
The design team shall analyze and report the test
teams will deliver written and oral reports, design drawings, and prototype
hardware according to the Phase 2 calender.
The design team shall
furnish owner-specified project submittals and reports in accordance with the
Phase 2 calender and with weekly project assignments.
The design team shall work
independently of all other design teams on the project. Each member of the design team shall thoroughly
document individual contributions to the project in a design notebook in
accordance with the Engineering Design Notebook Guidelines.
As a minimum, the equipment
and materials listed below will be made available to the design team by the
owner. The owner will provide items
that are operating properly. The design
team shall assume the responsibility of normal diligence and care in handling
and maintenance of owner-furnished equipment.
Other materials, equipment, and shop assistance may be provided at the
owner's discretion.
1. Golf balls at compliance test.
2. Strain gage preparation and bonding agents.
3. Strain gages and wires.
4. Strain gage conditioning instrumentation.
5. Tool in the Materials and Circuits laboratories.
The design team shall submit
all requests for clarification, waiver, or additional information associated
with the design of the scale in writing. Requests shall adhere to the format
shown below.
TO: Drs. Newberry and Farison
FROM: (Design Team Name)
SUBJECT: Automated Golf Ball Quality Control Scale