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Newberry, PhD
Bear Place # 97356
Baylor University
Waco, TX 76798
Fax: 254-710-3360
Byron_Newberry(at)Baylor.edu |
- Courses
- Education
- Prof. Affil.
- Prof. Activity
- Recent Pub.
Fall 2020
EGR 3380: Engineering Design I
Introduction to the engineering design process via team-based projects encompassing the design, construction and testing of an engineering device or system. Projects will emphasize oral, written, and graphical engineering communication skills and topics related to engineering professionalism.
ME 2320: Statics
Study of forces, moments, free-body diagrams, friction, equilibrium, first and second moments of lines, centers of pressure, mass and gravity, and moments of inertia.
EGR 3305: Social and Ethical Issues in Engineering
Study of the relationship between engineering, technology, and society. Topics include philosophical perspectives on engineering and technology, technological values, impact of technological change, social and ethical responsibilities of engineers, and public technology policy. Christian responses to these issues will be explored.
Spring 2021
3380: Engineering Design I
Introduction to the engineering design process via team-based projects encompassing the design, construction and testing of an engineering device or system. Projects will emphasize oral, written, and graphical engineering communication skills and topics related to engineering professionalism.
EGR 3305: Social and Ethical Issues in Engineering
Study of the relationship between engineering, technology, and society. Topics include philosophical perspectives on engineering and technology, technological values, impact of technological change, social and ethical responsibilities of engineers, and public technology policy. Christian responses to these issues will be explored.
Summer 2021
ME 4305: Sustainable Engineering
Introduction to the engineering design process via team-based projects encompassing the design, construction and testing of an engineering device or system. Projects will emphasize oral, written, and graphical engineering communication skills and topics related to engineering professionalism. (course website)
EGR 3305: Social and Ethical Issues in Engineering
Study of the relationship between engineering, technology, and society. Topics include philosophical perspectives on engineering and technology, technological values, impact of technological change, social and ethical responsibilities of engineers, and public technology policy. Christian responses to these issues will be explored.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT)
International Network for Engineering Studies (INES)
a few recent activites:
Editor, Philosophy of Engineering and Technology (POET) book series, Springer Publishers
Executive Board Member, National Institute for Engineering Ethics
Chair, Baylor Academic Freedom and Responsibility Committee
Chair, Baylor University Faculty Senate 2016-2017
Baylor Fellow
Edited Books
Carl MITCHAM, LI Bocong, ZHANG Baichun, Byron NEWBERRY, (eds), (2018) Philosophy of Technology: East and West, Boston Studies in Philosophy and History of Science series, Springer.
Diane Michelfelder, Byron Newberry, and Qin Zhu (eds.), (2016) Philosophy and Engineering: Exploring Boundaries, Expanding Connections, Philosophy of Engineering and Technology series, Springer.
Christensen, S. H.; Didier, C.; Jamison, A.; Meganck, M.; Mitcham, C.; Newberry, B. (eds.) (2015). International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Volume I. Philosophy of Engineering and Technology series, Springer.
Christensen, S. H.; Didier, C.; Jamison, A.; Meganck, M.; Mitcham, C.; Newberry, B. (eds.) (2015). Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Volume II. Philosophy of Engineering and Technology series, Springer.
Book Chapters
Byron Newberry, "For the Benefit of Humanity: Values in Micro, Meso, Macro, and Meta Levels in Engineering," in Maarten Franssen, Pieter E. Vermaas, Peter Kroes and Anthonie Meijers (eds), (2016) Philosophy of Technology after the Empirical Turn, Springer.
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen and Byron Newberry, "The Role of Research in Academic Drift Processes in European and American Professional Engineering Education outside the Universities," in Christensen, S. H.; Didier, C.; Jamison, A.; Meganck, M.; Mitcham, C.; Newberry, B. (eds.) (2015). International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Volume I. Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Byron Newberry, "Efficiency Animals: Efficiency as an Engineering Value," in Christensen, S. H.; Didier, C.; Jamison, A.; Meganck, M.; Mitcham, C.; Newberry, B. (eds.) (2015). Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Volume II. Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Byron Newberry, "Dialectics of Engineering," in Christensen, S. H.; Didier, C.; Jamison, A.; Meganck, M.; Mitcham, C.; Newberry, B. (eds.) (2015). Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Volume II. Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Byron Newberry, "Engineered Artifacts," in D.P. Michelfelder et al. (eds.), Philosophy and Engineering: Reflections on Practice, Principles and Process, Philosophy of Engineering and Technology 15, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7762-0_13, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014.
Byron Newberry, "The Engineering Adjective, and Why it Might Matter," Engineering Studies,Vol. 7, Iss. 2-3, 2015, 142-144.
Katherine Austin, Greta Gorsuch, William Lawson, and Byron Newberry, "Developing and Designing Online Engineering Ethics Instruction for International Graduate Students," Instructional Science, vol 39, no 6, 2011, 975-997. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-010-9162-1.
Byron Newberry, Katherine Austin, William Lawson, Greta Gorsuch, and Thomas Darwin, “Acclimating International Graduate Students to Professional Engineering Ethics,” Science and Engineering Ethics. vol. 17, no. 1, 2011, 171-194. DOI 10.1007/s11948-009-9178-6.
Byron Newberry, “Katrina: Macro-Ethical Issues for Engineers,” Science and Engineering Ethics. vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, 535-571. DOI 10.1007/s11948-009-9167-9.
Newberry, Byron P. "Technological Fix." Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource. Ed. J. Britt Holbrook. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2015. 313-314. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Sept. 2014.
Newberry, Byron P. "Professional Engineering Organizations." Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource. Ed. J. Britt Holbrook. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2015. 493-497. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Sept. 2014.
Byron Newberry, "Lessons from the Storm: Hurricane Katrina and the Challenges of Engineering Socio-Technical Systems," The Bridge: The Magazine of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu, vol 109, no 2, June 2013, 20-28.