LAB3_Four_Op_Amp_Experiment_Board_170201.pdf .
For LAB3 Report - Show frequency response analysis and testing for RC Buffer Low Pass Filter with cutoff at 2 kHz , Mid-Range Bandpass Filter centered at 2 kHz, and Butterworth Low-Pass Filter with cutoff at 2 kHz. Frequency testing range 100 Hz to 10 kHz. Testing results should be overlayed on top of theoretical results in Bode magnitude and phase angle plots.
HW4, Franco book BJT problems 2.35 (pp. 210-211), 2.43 (p. 212), 2.49 (pp. 213-214).
LAB4, BJT Class A Music Preamp. Use a 3" by 4" BPS PadBoard-2 pad-per-hole prototyping board. Mount a Texas Instruments LM395 "Ultra Reliable" power transistor on a 2" tall, 1.625" wide, 1" thick heat sink and corner bracket. Solder #18 wires to the base(blue), emitter(green), collecter(red) and attach with ring connectors to a medium-size 3-terminal block. For testing, attach the emitter and collector to the 12 ohm & 6 ohm power resistor board. For power, attach a 24Vac and DBR test setup to energize the circuit with 30Vdc. For input, use a function generator that has DC-offset capability, apply a 1 kHz sinusoidal voltage through a 10kohm + 1kohm dropping resistor with the 1kohm terminals attached from base to emitter. Using a scope attached from collector to emitter, adjust signal level and DC offset to achieve approximately 0.9Vdc base-to-emitter, and 15Vdc collector to emitter. This corresponds to approximately 1 amp collector current.
LAB5, Op Amp Input for Music Preamp. Using the op amp circuit shown in class, and your Op Amp Experiment Board to accept stereo music signals A and B, summing them to produce (A+B), and offsetting the sum with the appropriate DC value to power lab speakers with your circuit plus your Class A BJT Music Preamp. Write a report for combined LAB4 and LAB5.
LAB6, H-Bridge Class D amplifier (optional). Populate the H-Bridge protoboard and use one of Dr. Grady's power electronic control circuits to feed music signals into your amp. Compare the sound quality and efficiency to that of the BJT Class A amp.
The final exam will cover the LAB3 report plus combined (LAB4 + LAB5) report, plus a Bode plot problem for the LC filter used in the H-Bridge. Bring your LAB3 and (LAB4 + LAB5) reports to the final and use them to help work the exam questions. Turn in your latest LAB3 and (LAB4 + LAB5) reports along with your final exam.