Summer Session C, 2007


Lectures:  TR 3:30-5:20, ENB 110

Instructor:  Dr. Charles Baylis

Office:  ENB 380B

Office Hours:  TR 2:00 - 3:30 (subject to change), or by appointment 


Course Website: .  Students are responsible to check this site frequently as it will be the primary out-of-class communication method.

Textbook:  William Hayt, Jack Kemmerly, and Steven Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Seventh Edition

Prerequisite:  EGN 3374, minimum grade B and EGN 3420, minimum grade C

Objective:  This is a second course in linear circuit design.  The course provides introduction to Laplace and Fourier methods for circuit analysis and analyzes methods of obtaining transient and steady-state responses of RLC networks. 

Grading:   Three in-class exams will be given.  The format of these tests and specific dates will be announced in advance of the tests.  Homework will be assigned for each lecture but will not be collected.  A quiz will be given each Tuesday covering the material from the previous week.  The lowest quiz score will be dropped. 


Tentative Grading Breakdown:

       Exam 1                                 27%                                          

       Exam 2                                 27%                                                 

       Exam 3                                 27%                                                 

       Quizzes                              19%                            


A typical grading scale will be used:

90-100                          A

80-90                            B

70-80                            C

60-70                            D

Below 60                      F


The plus/minus grading system will not be used.

Missed Assignments:  If no arrangement is made in advance with the instructor, students missing a test or quiz may be given, at the option of the instructor, a zero on the test or assignment.  Students anticipating the need to take a test or quiz at a time other than that scheduled or to turn in an assignment late must make arrangements with the instructor in advance.  In an emergency where advance notification is impossible, appropriate documentation supporting the excuse should be provided.   

Religious Events:  Students who anticipate being absent from class due to a major religious observance must provide written notice of the date(s) and event(s) to the instructor by the second class meeting.

Registration: Assignments of students not on the official class roll will be discarded without grading.

Academic Dishonesty:  No collaboration whatsoever is allowed on any of the tests or quizzes.  Any student found in violation of this policy may be given a “FF” for the course at the option of the instructor and at minimum will be given a zero for the assignment.  It is the responsibility of each student to understand and follow this policy.